1. We strive to make sure that the descriptions are as accurate as possible on our website, however we may still make mistakes, we reserve the right to correct any error and we are not liable to anyone if error occurs or information is out of date.
2. We will update the availability of an products constantly, but things may happen like you place an order but the product is out of stock, we apologize for the inconvenience happened and will pop your an email for notification.
3. We need your help to make sure your order go smoothly, please always check your email details, your billing and shipping addresses, your contact details and your payment option while you place your order.
4. If you changed your mind and want to cancel your order, please send the request in writing to us, orders can not be canceled/refund after shipment.
5. Please always read the descriptions before using the product, please be aware of the safety instructions we put on the package. Safety is so important to us!