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What's PPSU

PPSU is short for polyphenylsulfone, which is the highest performing thermoplastic that gives better durability and heat tolerance than PP and PES. PPSU is transparent, high heat resistant and with excellent hydrolysis stability. PPSU stands up to repeated sterilization and prevents odor or color absorption. It is naturally BPA free, it’s a safer and better material for baby feeding bottles. Despite its supreme durability, it is advisable to change your PPSU bottles yearly.

Grosmimi Australia is the Sole Official Distributor  in Australia for Brand Grosmimi(Korea).

Hello 2024!🩷

Wishing you all a happy and amazing new year!

Boxing Day Sale will end tomorrow, hurry if you have missed that!

👉🏻20% off with code BOXINGDAY

#happynewyear #happynewyear2024 #sydney #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemums #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #brisbanemumsandbubs #perthmumsandbubs #adelaidemumsandbubs #baby #firstnewyear #babybottle #newmommy #strawcup #sippycup #blwbaby

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Merry Christmas and Boxing Day is here!

Don’t miss out our end of year sale!

20% off this Boxing Day with code:


Happy shopping!🎄

#boxingday #boxingdaysale #boxingdaysales #merrychristmas #christmaspresents #christmaspresent #baby #momlife #aussiemum #sydneymums #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemum #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #adelaidemums #adelaidemumsandbubs #perthmumsandbubs #aussiebaby #firstchristmas

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Transparent as glass, while more durable than glass! That’s why we love PPSU!

Try our PPSU straw cup range, they are made by medical grade PPSU materials, No BPA, baby safe and food safe!

✅Microwave safe
✅Dishwasher safe
✅Hot water sanitation safe
✅Steam/UV light sterilization safe

More colours available➡️link in bio

#baby#toddler #4monthsold #5monthsold #6monthsold #7monthsold #8monthsold #9monthsold #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold

#aussiemom #sydneymums #melbournemums #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #adelaidemumsandbubs #momlife

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So real!!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🚿🚿🚿


#momlife #momlifebelike #honestlymothering #thisismotherhood #mumlife #busymomlife
#momlifestruggles #parenting #dadlife #sydneymums #aussiemums #aussiemumsandkids #momsofinstagram #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemums #newmom #helloworld #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #adelaidemums #adelaidemumsandbubs #perthmumsandbubs #perthmum ##mumlove #mother #toddlerlife #parentinghacks

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Today’s OOTD:

🧸Grosmimi Bear Stainless Straw Cup 300ml- Butter

Perfect for going out and keeping water warm/cool for up to 6 hours 💦

Thank you @hanna_ku for sharing this photo, what a great colour match for the straw cup and the stroller! It’s always a smart choice for moms to choose the safer bottle for their babies, thank you for liking our bear straw cup!💓

#babyootd #babyfashion #babybottle #babywaterbottle #insulatedbottle #strawcup #sippycup #sippycups #backtoachool
#sydneymums #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemums #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #canberramumsandbubs #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #adelaidemums #adelaidemumsandbubs #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #aussiemums #aussiebaby #babygirl #babyboy #baby #newborn #newmommy #newmomlife #thisismotherhood

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Stay hydrated with the coolest bottle this summer 😎🆒

Stainless straw cups in new look!

Bigger size -300ml available

Keeps water cool and warm for up to 6 hours💦

#sydneymums #sydneybaby #sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemums #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #perthmumsandbubs #aussiemotherhood #momlife #babyoutfit #mumlife #mumsinsydney #mumssupportingmums #mumsofinstagram #6monthsold #7monthsold #8monthsold #9monthsold #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold

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Spring is here!🌱🌿

Time to get a fresh new bottle and drink more water in those dry and warm weathers! I hope everyone is feeling ok from the smoke of hazard reduction bush fires🍃Take your GROSMIMI bottle with your bubs and let them stay hydrated all the time from the heat💦

End of season sale is on, get 15% off with code SALE15

#spring #sydneymums #melbournemums #aussiemums #baby #toddler #toddlerlife #childcarelife #daycarelife #strawcup #babybottle #babygirl #babyboy
#sydneymumsandbubs #melbournemumsandbubs #brisbanemumsandbubs #adelaidemums #perthmumsandbubs #perthmums #babyproducts #momlife #dadliferules #6monthsold #7monthsold #8monthsold #9monthsold #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold

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Our new favorites 🩵💛🩷

The must have straw cups! Great for independent drinking, encourages bubs to drink more water from a straw cup🙌🏻

Free standard shipping when you order over $60. ✅


#momsofinstagram #sydneymums #sydneymumsandbubs #toddler #melbournemums #melbournemumsandbubs #canberramums #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs #adelaidemum #adelaidemumsandbubs #perthmumsandbubs #momlife #momsofgirls #momsofboys #babygirl #babyboy #5monthsold #6monthsold #7monthsold #8monthsold #9monthsold #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold

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Welcome to real life parenthood🤣

Tag a friend if you feel related 😉


#aussiemumlife #aussiemums #aussiedads #coolmom #momsofinstagram #momsofboys #momsofgirls #newmomlife #sydneymums #melbournemums #canberramums #brisbanemums #goldcoastmums #adelaidemums #perthmums #newborn #1歳 #1monthbaby #2monthsold #5monthsold #6monthsold #7monthsold #toddlermom #toddlerlife

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Why choose straw cups over other cups

Many parents first turn to a sippy cup because of their convenience (fewer spills and easy to carry along), but whether they have a hard or soft spout, sippy cups don’t offer much in the way of oral skills development. Just like with a bottle, baby places her tongue at the front of her mouth to form a seal and suckle while using a sippy cup. For this reason, some pediatricians and speech and language pathologists recommend straw cups over sippy cups. With Grosmimi straw cups, your baby is more likely to learn the new skill of pulling her tongue to the back of her mouth when she drinks.

In addition to learning the proper tongue and mouth placement for drinking (rather than suckling), your baby must also master the hand-eye coordination required to hold, lift, and tip her cup towards her mouth, all while sitting upright on her own. Straw cups offer less practice for these skills because your baby can successfully drink from them while still reclining and sucking, and not sitting upright or fully tipping the cup to her mouth.